CEPF RAS completes the first stage of arranging a test site in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

CEPF RAS completes the first stage of arranging a test site in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

Researchers at CEPF RAS completed the first stage (express estimates) of the organization of the intensive level I test site in coniferous and deciduous forests. The Kilemarsky Nature Reserve, located in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, was selected for this purpose. It includes both unique old-growth coniferous and deciduous forests and young stands that grew after logging, as well as swampy forests.

The express estimates included inventory, geobotanical and soil studies in sampling areas. The number and location were determined in-office by methods of thematic processing of multispectral satellite images of high spatial resolution in compliance with relevant methods. There are 398 sample areas at the test site, their middle points are marked with information survey markers. Simultaneously with ground surveys, a survey of the test site was carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle.

During the inventory of the stand, the methods of laying and measuring the characteristics of a tree stand on circular relascopic sites and circular sites of a constant radius were used. When conducting geobotanical studies, vegetation was assessed by tier with identification of predominant elements of the mosaic. Soil studies included an assessment of the bedding thickness considering subhorizons and assessment of the grain size distribution in the mineral layer (0–30 cm). The methods are available on the project website.

Based on the express estimates, a statistical and spatial analysis of the materials was carried out and the points of laying permanent sampling areas were selected. The researchers began working on detailed studies of the characteristics of ecosystems, on the basis of which the calculation of carbon stocks in vegetation and soils will be conducted in the future. This information is necessary for the calibration of aerospace survey data and remote monitoring of carbon pools at the local and regional level.

In the old-growth forests of the reserve, there is a high floristic diversity. Finds of rare species of plants and lichens have been recorded, including Huperzia selago, Usnea florida, and others. Also, a large amount of coarse woody debris at various decomposition stages were recorded in the area. The researchers have noted that the CWD at various decomposition stages is an important microsite where trees in forests are renewed. The photos show how spruce and linden trees use CWD for renewal.


Source: http://cepl.rssi.ru/news-2023-06-30/