Conference “Forests of Russia: Politics, Industry, Science, Education”

Conference “Forests of Russia: Politics, Industry, Science, Education”

On May 24–26, 2023, as part of the conference “Forests of Russia: Politics, Industry, Science, Education”, the executing parties under the key innovative government project “Assessing the dynamics of carbon pools and greenhouse gas fluxes in old-growth middle taiga forests using the example of Vepssky Forest Reserve” reported on the performance under the project:

Kapitsa E. A., Lankina A. A., Morozova E. N., Shorokhova E. V. Wood litter as a component of the biological cycle in forest ecosystems

Berezin G. V., Kapitsa E. A., Shorokhova E. V. Modern ideas of wood litter decomposition in forest ecosystems

The executing parties were involved in the collection, processing, and analysis of the results along with students and postgraduates of the Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University, whose thesis topics are closely related to the topic of carbon.
