Results of the key innovative government project delivered at the opening of the National Technological Initiative Competencies Center “Geodata and Geoinformation Technologies”

Results of the key innovative government project delivered at the opening of the National Technological Initiative Competencies Center "Geodata and Geoinformation Technologies"

On May 16, 2023, the Competencies Center of the National Technological Initiative “Geodata and Geoinformation Technologies” opened at the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography; within the framework of the event, a round table meeting on “Achievements of technological sovereignty in the field of geodata and geoinformation technology” was held.

Head of the Laboratory for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems at CEPF RAS, Candidate of Sciences in Engineering D. V. Ershov, was invited to participate in the meeting. Dmitry Vladimirovich spoke of the results of the key innovative government project “Development of a national system for ground-based and remote monitoring of carbon pools and greenhouse gas flows in the Russian Federation.” It was noted that interaction between the Competencies Centers run by universities, in particular, the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, is important to increase the workforce capacity, develop and exchange technologies for remote sensing and geoinformation systems in order to implement the government project for the assessment and monitoring of greenhouse gas pools and flows in forests and other terrestrial ecosystems.

Please follow the link to read the report presentation.