Researchers of the Center took part in a video conference to draft a summary report within the framework of the CARBON key innovative government project

Researchers of the Center took part in a video conference to draft a summary report within the framework of the CARBON key innovative government project

On October 25, 2022, employees of the Federal Research Center for Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in an online meeting to draft a summary report as part of the key innovative government project. The meeting was hosted by Nataliia Lukina, Head of the CARBON unit, Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Center for Ecology and Forest Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

First and foremost, the participants devoted their time to an important issue — drafting a summary report on the results of the work done. Employees of the organizations involved in the project discussed in detail all technical issues related to this research document.

As you may remember, as part of the implementation of the carbon-themed key innovative government project, employees of the Federal Research Center for Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences are preparing data sheets for six climate research sites. The facilities will be based on branches of the federal scientific center.
