The Carbon Rhythm consortium participated in the Geographer’s Day at the Northern River Station (Moscow) on August 18, 2023

The Carbon Rhythm consortium participated in the Geographer’s Day at the Northern River Station (Moscow) on August 18, 2023

The participants:

  • competed in quizzes, solidifying and expanding their knowledge of the Russian forests,
  • made origami representing inhabitants of forests and swamps,
  • painted sketches dedicated to interesting facts, objects and plots related to the climate change issues, reasons and causes of the greenhouse effect.

The events dedicated to the celebration of Geographer’s Day were held at the Northern River Station on August 18. Organizer – Russian Geographical Society.

Консорциум «РИТМ углерода» принял участие в Дне географа на Северном речном вокзале (г. Москва)