CEPF RAS implementing the second stage of test site arrangement in the Moscow Oblast

CEPF RAS implementing the second stage of test site arrangement in the Moscow Oblast

Scientists of the CEPF RAS have been engaged in the second stage of type 1 intensive test site arrangement in the mixed coniferous-broad leaved forests of the Bogorodsky Urban District (Noginsk, Moscow Oblast) under the key innovative government project. Based on statistical and spatial analysis of remote sensing materials and field data, 33 permanent trial plots measuring 0.25 hectares were laid. Taxation, geobotanical and soil studies are carried out on permanent trial plots using the unified methods, which are available on the project website.

Geobotanical studies were carried out at the test site, as a result of which 66 complete geobotanical descriptions were made (2 descriptions per permanent sample plot), the dominant elements of horizontal heterogeneity of the studied ecosystems were identified, and places for laying soil sections and excavations were selected. Geobotanical studies have shown that the test site is distinguished by great coenotic diversity – its territory combines oak-spruce, linden, spruce-pine, black alder forests, derivative birch and aspen forests, as well as forest crops. Along with preserved forests, the site contains plantings that have been disturbed due to natural (outbreaks of the bark beetle, windfalls) and anthropogenic (road construction, recreation) reasons. During the research, rare and protected plant species found on the territory of the test site were also recorded.

The following geobotanists of CEPF RAS participated in the work: E.V. Basova, Candidate of Sciences in Biology, T.Yu. Braslavskaya, Candidate of Sciences in Biology, A.V. Gornov, Candidate of Sciences in Biology, E.V. Ruchinskaya, Candidate of Sciences in Biology, E.V. Tikhonova, Candidate of Sciences in Biology, N.E. Shevchenko, Candidate of Sciences in Biology

Read full article here.