CEPF RAS: geobotanical research at the Sharanga test site

CEPF RAS: geobotanical research at the Sharanga test site

From July 5 to July 15, 2024, researchers from the CEPF RAS A.V. Gornov, N.V. Korotkova, E.V. Ruchinskaya, A.V. Titovets, E.V. Tikhonova, postgraduate student A.A. Naumkin, Yu.B. Bachinsky and D.B. Koltsov carried out a stage of geobotanical research at the Sharanga test site (Nizhny Novgorod Region, Kilemarsky Nature Reserve, recently included in the National Park «Nizhegorodskoye Povolzhie»).

On 30 permanent sample plots in old-growth lime with spruce nemoral grass forests, secondary birch-aspen and streamside forests, 60 geobotanical descriptions were made, in addition, 10 geobotanical plots were laid in forests at different stages of restoration after clearcutting.

The maximum age of spruce measured by core was 265 years, the maximum age of lime was 225 years. In the forests, fir undergrowth (Abies sibirica) is found everywhere, and generative trees are rare. In old-growth lime forests with spruce, endangered species of lichens have been repeatedly found, including Lobaria pulmonaria and Usnea florida.

A widespread species in the plots was Festuca altissima, which is typical for old-growth, intact forests and is generally not common. A very rare species, Epipogium aphyllum, was found in middle-aged, post-logging aspen forests on two plots. Other interesting finds include Schizachne purpurascens ssp. callosa, Cinna latifolia, Glyceria lithuanica, Huperzia selago, and Polyporus umbellatus.


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