Upgrading of the monitoring network at the Lyalsky test site

Upgrading of the monitoring network at the Lyalsky test site

In the second half of June, the specialists of the Institute of Biology of Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the RAS (IB FRC Komi SC UB RAS) began to conduct a new cycle of field work on constructing the 30th permanent sample plots at the Lyalsky test site.

First, senior laboratory assistant T. Mylnikova and engineer E. Chuprova, led by researcher, PhD, Yu. Dubrovsky began botanical research. During the work, Yuri Dubrovsky, together with Elena Chuprova, made several geobotanical descriptions on the new permanent sample plot, while Taisiya Mylnikova took photos of the canopy cover, and also checked the results accuracy of crown selection after RGB images automatic processing.

“We identified this plant community as blueberry aspen during a rapid assessment last summer, and more detailed botanical surveys at this permanent sample plot this year confirmed this. It is a typical middle taiga deciduous herbaceous forest with no distinct parcellation and a homogeneous vegetation cover. The study area is an excellent example of forest regeneration after timber felling or fires: under the dense canopy of ripe aspen trees, spruces are already visible in the stand and undergrowth,” Yuri Dubrovsky concluded.

Next, the work was started by employees of the Department Forest Science. First of all, they installed columns to mark the corners of each sample plot. Then, a researcher, PhD Manov A. and leading electronics engineer Shvetsov S. conducted a tree-counting, while senior laboratory assistant Gulyaev R. under the strict guidance of a senior researcher, PhD Osipov A. fixed the undergrowth features on a new sample plot.

Also, Andrey Osipov together with Roman Gulyaev continue observations of soil respiration at all permanent sample plots, taking samples for substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and basal respiration (BR). These are microbiological indicators, which are also related to soil respiration.