CEPF RAS at the conference “Forest Productivity in a Changing Climate”

CEPF RAS at the conference “Forest Productivity in a Changing Climate”

On September 2 – 7, 2024, the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Forest Productivity in a Changing Climate” was held in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia.

Conference sections:

  • Structural and functional organization, dynamics and productivity of forest ecosystems;
  • Ground-based, remote sensing and GIS technologies for assessing the productivity of forest ecosystems;
  • Conservation of forest genetic resources, current trends in the selection of forest woody plants;
  • Phylogeography and genetics of populations of tree and shrub plants, forest genomics and biotechnology.

The conference was attended by employees of the CEPF RAS. Plenary reports:

Lukina Natalya Vasilievna, Chertov O.G., Geraskina A.P. On criteria for assessing the role of biogenic mechanisms in the processes of accumulation of soil organic matter

Ershov Dmitry Vladimirovich, Sochilova E.N., Koroleva N.V., Kovganko K.A. Development of GIS technology for spatial assessment of direct carbon emissions from forest fires using satellite products

Zamolodchikov Dmitry Gennadievich, Kaganov V.V., Mostovaya A.S. Dynamics of carbon stocks of phytomass and litter in forest plantations in the south of the European part


  • Section “RITM carbon”

Tebenkova Daria Nikolaevna, Shanin V.N., Lukina N.V., Kataev A.D., Shchepaschenko D.G. Development of forest management scenarios to predict their carbon sequestration capacity

Ivanova Valentina Nikolaevna, Danilova M.A., Lukina N.V. Assessment of the influence of vegetation and elementary landscape on carbon stocks in soils of spruce forests of the Kola Peninsula

Gichan Dmitry Vladimirovich, Tebenkova D.N., Ivanova V.N. Taking into account the contribution of carbonates when assessing organic carbon reserves in soil, using the example of sod-podzolic postagrogenic carbonate-containing soils of the Vologda region


  • Section “Remote sensing methods and modeling of forest structure and dynamics”

Plotnikova Alexandra Sergeevna, Gopp N.V., Meshalkina Yu.L., Narykova A.N., Chernova O.V., Chestnykh O.V. Application of digital soil mapping methods for regional assessment of soil organic carbon stocks

Narykova Anna Nikolaevna, Plotnikova A.S., Akhmetova G.V., Danilova M.A., Kuznetsova A.I. Analysis of spatial heterogeneity of climate-regulating services of forests of the Republic of Karelia and the Karelian Isthmus using the example of carbon accumulation in the forest floor

Gavrilyuk Egor Aleksandrovich Geospatial assessments of carbon stocks for forest test sites within the framework of the national system for monitoring climate-active substances in Russia

Podolskaya Ekaterina Sergeevna, Ershov D.V., Kovganko K.A. Modeling the spatial location of fire-chemical stations to optimize access to forest fires at the regional level (using the example of the Krasnoyarsk Territory)

Sochilova Elena Nikolaevna, Ershov D.V., Koroleva N.V., Belova E.I. Study of the possibilities of modeling stem wood reserves based on a combination of ground-based data and satellite products of high spatial resolution using the example of forests in the Kostroma region


  • Section “Structure and ecosystem functions of forests”

Geraskina Anna Petrovna, Morozova N.D. Spatial distribution of earthworms in forest soils of the Bogorodsky urban district of the Moscow region

Ermolov Sergey Aleksandrovich Approaches to the study of lumbric fauna in forest ecosystems (on the example of the forest-steppe Ob region of the Novosibirsk region)

Chertkova Elena Petrovna Analysis of long-term dynamics of forest ecosystems of the Altai State Nature Reserve