The first stage of the summer field practice of students of the Higher School of Ecology l has ended

This year, the practice sites are the forest and swamp test sites of the USU, which are part of the national network of terrestrial and remote monitor...

YSU scientists have started a new field session

The first field measurements of this season were carried out at the Mukhrino international field station. Employees of the laboratories of geoinformat...

Soil Respiration under a Short-Term Drought on the Example of Typical West Siberian Middle-Taiga Mires

Yugra State University scientists conducted a research to assess the response of soil respiration to drought on the example of six oligotrophic bog bi...

An open regional competition of schoolchildren’s research projects “Yugra. Ecology. Talents”

The full-time stage of the open regional competition of school students’ research projects “Yugra. Ecology. Talents.” ...

Associate professors of the Higher Ecological School held a number of events during the “PROF-shift” camp program

Teachers from the Higher Ecological School took part in the program and held a number of career guidance events at school No. 6 of the city of Yugorsk...

The first field season of the Youth Laboratory of Geoinformatics of Ecosystems of Yugra State University

How can drones help estimate greenhouse gas fluxes? Why do ecologists transfer forests and swamps into mathematical models? And how do we measure vege...

Mukhrino uses an equipment developed by university staff to measure greenhouse gas flows

Winter research continues at the Mukhrino field station. To fully assess the content of greenhouse gases and calculate annual emission coefficients, Y...

YuSU presented the results of the project “Russian Climate Monitoring System” for 2023

Director of the REC “Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change” Elena Lapshina, researcher at the Laboratory of Ecosystem-Atmospheric Relations...

A YuSU teacher organized intellectual environmental games for schoolchildren in Yugorsk

Associate Professor of the Higher Ecological School of Yugra State University Alexander Zaikin organized an intellectual weekend for schoolchildren in...

YuSU researchers replenish the national database “Carbon E” of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Yugra State University (YUSU): Yulia Kupriyanova and Alexander Sabrekov spoke about the 2023 field season, what is unique about Yugra’s ecosystems and...