CO2 Emission from the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve Soils: 25 years of continuous monitoring Database

CO2 Emission from the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve Soils: 25 years of continuous monitoring Database

Authors: I.N. Kurganova, V.O. Lopes de Gerenyu, T.N. Myakshina, D.V. Sapronov
Authors: I.N. Kurganova, V.O. Lopes de Gerenyu, T.N. Myakshina, D.V. Sapronov

Annotation: The database (DB) represents a set of 3 sheets containing photographs and general information about the soils of forest and meadow biogeocenoses (BGC), and tabular data on the dynamics of the intensity of CO2 emission from the surface of sod- podzolized brown soils (or Entic Podzols (Arenic)) of the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve under forest and meadow vegetation for 25 years of continuous weekly observations. The database also contains linked data series on soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm and air temperature at the time of measuring CO2 emission from soils. The observational data included 1,117 measurements carried out in the soil of the forest BGC and 1,124 in the soil of the meadow BGC. The structure of the database allows building a variety of queries to analyze the influence of soil or air temperature on CO2 emission from soils, to assess monthly, seasonal and annual CO2 fluxes from soils and their temporal variability. The main function of the database is structuring and storing data, and searching and retrieving data according to various criteria.

The database can be used to assess the temperature sensitivity of CO2 emission from soils at different time levels (season, year, decade, entire observation period), to parameterize regional and global models of CO2 fluxes from soil surfaces, to assess the carbon balance in forest and meadow biogeocenoses, and to forecast possible changes in the carbon balance under different climate change scenarios.

Computer type: DBMS RS: MS EXCEL 2013 OS: MS EXCEL 2013 Database capacity: 1671 Kb