PhenologyCompositing computer software program

PhenologyCompositing computer software program

 Authors:  S.A. Bartalev, V.A. Egorov, T.S. Miklashevich
Authors: S.A. Bartalev, V.A. Egorov, T.S. Miklashevich

Annotation: PhenologyCompositing software program is intended for creating multi-temporal phenological composite images based on Terra/Aqua-MODIS data. The imaging is based on the analysis of the annual dynamics of the NDVI vegetation index. The software consists of two blocks:

– forming the phenological attributes with a 230m spatial resolution based on the analysis of a continuous time series of observations, its first derivative, and the dynamics of accumulation of changes in NDVI from the maximum of the growing season in the summer observation period to the seasonal minimum values of the vegetation index;

– forming the additional layers of phenological composite images with a 500m spatial resolution in spectral channels corresponding to the mid-short-wave infrared range based on the obtained dates of the onset of phenological phases.