Vice President for Human Resources Management at Segezha Group visited the Laboratory for the Study and Analysis of Carbon Fluxes in Forest Ecosystems

Vice President for Human Resources Management at Segezha Group visited the Laboratory for the Study and Analysis of Carbon Fluxes in Forest Ecosystems

St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S. M. Kirov

During the working visit Ol’ga Tikhonova, Member of the Management Board, Vice President for Human Resources Management at Segezha Group, visited the Laboratory for the Study and Analysis of Carbon Fluxes in Forest Ecosystems. The head of the Department of General Ecology, Anatomy and Physiology of Plants, Kapitsa Ekaterina, represent the possibilities of the new laboratory and the prospects for using the results of the «RITM carbon» in the forest sector when planning forestry activities within the framework of the low-carbon management.

Segezha Group is one of the largest Russian timber industry holdings with a full cycle of its own logging. The development focuses on eco–friendly technologies for deep processing of wood and the maximum waste-free use of raw materials.


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