Eco-tour in the Koygorodsky National Park

Eco-tour in the Koygorodsky National Park

From August 9 to August 15, 2024 in the national park “Koygorodsky” took place a shift of volunteers of RGS youth projects. RGS youth projects is a project aimed at popularization of scientific conservation activities of the Russian Geographical Society among young people in specially protected natural areas of the country. The main goal of the project is to introduce young people to scientific and environmental activities, to conduct scientific research in protected areas, to get acquainted with the system of nature protection, to foster a careful attitude to the natural heritage, to provide volunteer assistance to nature reserves and national parks through the organization of a scientific youth environmental education project. This year the project is held with the participation of the consortium “Ritm Carbon”, whose representatives are the staff of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

A brief report on the national system for monitoring the dynamics of climatically active substances in terrestrial ecosystems of the Russian Federation was made by Yu. Dubrovsky, PhD, researcher of the Institute. Yuri told the volunteers about the goals and objectives of the project, about the test site, which was laid in the territory of the Komi Republic in 2023, about the working groups and their successes, as well as about the expected results of the project. Then, PhD and researcher V. Kanev started his report with a popular science lecture “Protection of plant life in the Komi Republic”. Despite the field conditions, Vladimir’s report was accompanied by a presentation. After the lecture the volunteers were given an eco-tour around the territory of the National Park and a master class on identification of plant species growing in the southern taiga subzone of the European part of Russia.

“It’s good that I took my laptop with me! Without it would have been more difficult to perceive the lecture” – jokes Vladimir.

The employees of the Institute express their gratitude to the management and employees of the National Park “Koygorodsky” for their help in organizing and holding popular science events.