Field training for Roslesinforg employees

Field training for Roslesinforg employees

On April 14, 2023, a Roslesinforg branch Tsentrlesproekt (Ivanteevka, Moscow Oblast) hosted a training session for professionals from Roslesinforg branches that will be involved in field operations to implement the key innovative government project, the Unified National System for Monitoring Climatically Active Substances.

Experts from CEPF RAS were invited to present the technology of sampling soil and living ground cover.

As part of the training session, Vasily Andreevich Kuznetsov, Candidate of Sciences in Biology, a Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Climate-Regulating Functions of Forests of the CEPF RAS, Associate Professor of the Department of General Soil Science of the Faculty of Soil Science of the Moscow State University, conducted a workshop on the implementation of the Methodological Recommendations for Sampling Soil and Living Soil Cover, developed by joint efforts of CEPF RAS and Roslesinforg.

Specialists of the Roslesinforg branches worked through the following stages to obtain data on carbon stocks in soils and ground cover of forest ecosystems of Russia:

·       laying a soil section,

·       selecting forest litter monoliths,

·       sampling the soils and living ground cover.

The practical skills gained in the course of the training will become the basis for successful collection of field material within the framework of the key innovative government project. The active participation in the training made it possible to improve the methodological recommendations.

The CEPF RAS team expresses their gratitude to Roslesinforg for hosting the training session and for the productive cooperation.