Flights of UAVs at test sites

Flights of UAVs at test sites

In the summer of 2023, the UAVs flights operated on four intensive test sites. At each site of 4.00 sq.m. area, digital, multispectral aerial photography and laser scanning were carried out.

Republic of Karelia test site of the of the Kivach State Nature Reserve 05/29 – 06/02/2023
Komi Republic test site of the Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 06/07 – 07/09/2023
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area test site of the Yugra State University near the Mukhrino field station 06/16 – 07/21/2023
Nizhny Novgorod Oblast test site of the Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences near the Svintsovo Settlement 06/07 – 07/09/2023

Processing of the aerial photography and laser scanning data will result in:

  • true ortophoto as .GeoTIFF files (Unsigned 8-bit) with min. 5 cm space resolution in WGS 84 / UTM, min. position accuracy 50 cm;
  • CIR ortophotomaps (Nir, Red, Green) as .GeoTIFF files (Unsigned 8-bit) with min. 20 cm space resultion in WGS 84 / UTM, min. position accuracy 50 cm;
  • digital terrain model (DTM) as a single-channel .GeoTIFF image (Float 32-bit), with the absolute height of the underlying terrain in meters, min. 10 cm space resolution in WGS 84 / UTM, min. position accuracy 50 cm;
  • digital elevation model (DEM) as a single-channel .GeoTIFF image (Float 32-bit), with the absolute height of the underlying terrain in meters, min. 10 cm space resolution in WGS 84 / UTM, min. position accuracy 50 cm;
  • projects for photogrammetric adjustment of photographic images;
  • clouds of laser points (WGS-84, ellipsoid height) as LAS 1.2;
  • balanced, classified cloud of project points divided into 1000×1000 m blocks in the WGS-84 / UTM coordinate system;
  • digital elevation model with resolution min. 10 cm in height;
  • digital terrain model with resolution min. 10 cm in height.