Institute of Industrial Ecology Problems of the North at the Kola Scientific Center RAS continues researching representative ecosystems in Murmansk Oblast

Institute of Industrial Ecology Problems of the North at the Kola Scientific Center RAS continues researching representative ecosystems in Murmansk Oblast

In June 2023, the 1st stage of implementation of the research thesis “Assessment of the carbon budget in representative terrestrial ecosystems of Murmansk Oblast” was completed within the framework of the key innovative government project. All the tasks assigned to the research team of the Institute of Industrial Ecology Problems of the North at the Kola Scientific Center RAS have been successfully completed. Researchers have commenced the implementation of the 2nd stage, which includes assessment of carbon pools in soils and vegetation in spruce forests of Murmansk Oblast.

From 20 to 26 June, reconnaissance studies were carried out to select sample areas to study carbon stocks in the old-growth forests of the region. Work in the selected sampling areas will begin at the end of July.

Employees of the Institute of Industrial Ecology Problems of the North at the Kola Scientific Center RAS continue their research of a functioning network of monitoring sites to assess soil emissions of greenhouse gases, the intake of compounds with atmospheric precipitation and carryover with soil waters in spruce and pine forests, as well as conducting microbiological and soil-zoological studies.

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