Leading climate scientists from Russia and China visited Mukhrino

Leading climate scientists from Russia and China visited Mukhrino

The Yugra State University was visited by delegations of Russian and Chinese climate scientists from the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The visit as a part of the 15th Russian-Chinese conference on atmospheric physics, climate, and environment.

As part of the program, the scientists visited the Mukhrino International Field Station (carbon test site), where they became acquainted with the measuring equipment, ongoing research and unique scientific experiments of their colleagues of the Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change Scientific and Educational Center at the Yugra State University.

Evgeniy Zarov, senior researcher at the Laboratory for the Study of Spatiotemporal Variability of the Carbon Balance of Forest and Swamp Ecosystems in the Middle Taiga of Western Siberia, told his colleagues about research related to the study of the level of swamp waters, the dynamics of turf accumulation, carbon content in swamp waters, and a small climate experiment.

Aleksey Dmitrichenko, leading engineer of the laboratory, demonstrated the operation of equipment installed on towers for measuring and calculating vertical turbulent flows based on the eddy covariance method, a chamber automatic system for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes at the test site.

It should be noted that the Russian and Chinese scientists were delivered to the Mukhrino carbon test site with the support of industrial partners of the Yugra State University: UTEK-Regional Networks JSC, Federal National State-Funded Institution Roslesinforg, Khanty-Mansiyskgaz Municipal Enterprise.

Source: https://www.ugrasu.ru/news/carbon-polygons/vedushchie-uchyenye-klimatologi-rossii-i-kitaya-posetili-mukhrino/