Megascience and climate projects: Russia and China agreed to strengthen scientific and technical cooperation

Megascience and climate projects: Russia and China agreed to strengthen scientific and technical cooperation

September 9, 2023, press center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia reported the results of the 27th meeting of the Subcommittee on Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Russian-Chinese Commission for the preparation of regular meetings of the government executives.

The event was chaired by Denis Sekirinsky, Deputy Minister of Science and Education of Russia, and Wu Zhaohui, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China.

Denis Sekirinsky spoke about four federal scientific and technical development programs that are currently being implemented in Russia:

    • agricultural program to 2025,
    • synchrotron and neutron research and research infrastructure program,
    • genetic technologies program and research in the field of environmental development,
    • climate change program to 2030.

The Chinese partners were invited to participate in the program to create a network of the most advanced synchrotron radiation sources, which is currently being implemented under academic supervision of the National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute. Representatives from both countries are ready to promote the implementation of the Agreement between JINR and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China on China’s participation in the construction and operation of a complex of superconducting rings on colliding beams of heavy ions (NICA).

In the field of Arctic research, the parties showed mutual interest in studying and predicting climate change and developing regional adaptation strategies. The Russian participants also proposed arranging joint carbon test sites and farms that would implement technologies to reduce the emission of climatically active gases.

The Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science invited his colleagues from China to join the unified national system for monitoring climatically active substances, including greenhouse gases, created in Russia. The system will ensure the generation of reliable and internationally recognized scientific data for assessing anthropogenic and natural flows of climatically active substances. This key innovative government project (KIGP), which creates the necessary regulatory and infrastructural support, has been approved by the Russian government.

Denis Sekirinsky noted that the development of interuniversity interaction on strengthening partnerships and academic mobility, as well as increasing the exchange of young scientists and specialists and the number of joint scientific research is of mutual interest for Moscow and Beijing. The parties discussed the mobility of students, the exchange of professors and researchers for the purposes of joint scientific research, interaction in strategic planning and implementation of scientific expeditionary activities to study the World Ocean by the Far Eastern Federal University and research institutes of China.

A special place is given to supporting applied and fundamental research projects. Thus, according to the results of a joint competitive selection of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, 11 projects were supported in such fields as agriculture, climate, ecology and industrial biotechnology. The implementation of the projects is planned for 2023-2025.

The Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science welcomed the participation of Chinese colleagues in the III Congress of Young Scientists held from November 28 to 30, 2023, at the Sirius Park of Science and Art, as well as in other events of the Decade of Science and Technology.

The meeting resulted in signing the Minutes of the 27th meeting of the Subcommittee on Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Russian-Chinese Commission for the preparation of regular meetings of government executives. The parties tentatively agreed to hold the 28th meeting of the Subcommittee in China in the second half of 2024.
