Scheduled training for employees of the Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences on operating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by the Geoscan Group of Companies

Scheduled training for employees of the Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences on operating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by the Geoscan Group of Companies

From September 21 to 27, CEPF RAS hosted a series of training seminars in the use of Geoscan-201 Geodesy UAV with RGB Sony RX1RII and multispectral MicaSense RedEdge-MX cameras and Geoscan401 Lidar with an AGM-MS 1.200 laser scanner.

The workshop held on September 21 was devoted to preparing UAVs for operation in field conditions. Aleksandr Vladimirovich Trufanov, a scientist of the CEPF RAS, demonstrated the assembly and disassembly of Geoscan 201 geodesy and Geoscan 401 lidar, and also spoke about the features of setting up the equipment and the characteristics of the payload (devices).

From September 26 to 27, Pavel Yuryevich Vagin and Ilya Konstantinovich Lobanov, employees of the Geoscan company, gave seminars on processing UAV data obtained by the above devices. On the first day, the stages of processing multispectral and RGB survey data in Agisoft Metashape software were demonstrated in order to build orthophotomaps and digital terrain models, as well as lidar data to obtain a cloud of elevation points of scanned objects. On the second day, the presenters demonstrated the procedure for preparing flight missions using the GeoScan Planner software program.

The seminar was attended by employees of the Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences, E.I. Belova,  junior researcher,  A.D. Nikitina, junior researcher, A.V. Trufanov and D.N. Tikhonov, as well as students of MSFU (Mytishchi Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University) V.O. Shevtsov, A.R. Shayakhmetov, and V.A. Zenkovskaya, participating in the work of the key innovative government project “Monitoring of Climatically Active Substances”.