Works completed, sampling and measurements taken at the observation sites of the Pogorelsky Bor type 2 intensive level test site of the forest-steppe zone of Central Siberia

Works completed, sampling and measurements taken at the observation sites of the Pogorelsky Bor type 2 intensive level test site of the forest-steppe zone of Central Siberia

At the beginning of September, field works were completed at type 2 intensive level test sites in the forest-steppe zone of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. As part of the implementation of works under the key innovative government project (KIGP) “Unified National System for Monitoring Climatically Active Substances,” employees of the Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS laid 5 permanent sample plots to assess the total biomass and its distribution among individual components, including the tree and shrub layer, ground cover, soil, detritus, soil samples to determine substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and basal respiration, biomass and the number of soil macrofauna, incl. species composition and biomass of earthworms in five sample plots in forb pine forests and forb-green moss pine forests.

The representative plantings studied are represented by middle-aged pine forests of the green moss group with a share of birch in the composition. In July–August 2023, a number of forest taxation works was carried out to determine the main characteristics of the forest stand, the undergrowth, young growth and large woody debris were registered, and geobotanical descriptions of the ground cover were made. At the end of the growing season after August 30, soil work and biomass sampling were carried out. All works were carried out in accordance with the approved methods.
