Unaccounted factors determining carbon stocks in forest soils

Unaccounted factors determining carbon stocks in forest soils

Lukina N. V., Kuznetsova A. I., Geraskina A. P., Smirnov V. E., Ivanova V. N., Tebenkova D. N., Gornov A. V., Shevchenko N. E., Tikhonova E. V. Unaccounted factors determining carbon stocks in forest soils // Meteorology and hydrology. 2022. No. 10. Pp. 92–110. DOI: 10.52002/0130-2906-2022-10-92-110. WoS. Scopus. Q3

Abstract. The article discusses sources of uncertainties in estimating soil carbon stocks in forest ecosystems, including abiotic (mechanical soil composition) and biotic (vegetation, earthworms) factors. It presents the results of comparative estimates of soil carbon stocks in coniferous, deciduous, and taiga forests conducted based on direct measurements and pedotransfer functions. It is shown that, in order to assess soil carbon stocks in forests both based on direct measurements and using pedotransfer functions, it may be necessary, along with other factors of soil formation, to factor in the most dynamic ones, which include vegetation and soil biota, as well as the history of nature management. Calculations of soil carbon stocks should be made with the share of fine soil, fraction <2 mm, taken into account.