Vice-Governors of St. Petersburg visited the Laboratory for the Study and Analysis of Carbon Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems

Vice-governors of St. Petersburg – Knyaginin Vladimir and Razumishkin Evgeny visited the laboratory of St. Petersburg State Technical University...

Opening of the field season within the framework of the project “RITM carbon”

Science of the Department of General Ecology, Anatomy and Physiology of Plants, as well as the Department of Forest Taxation, Forest Management and Ge...

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management at St. Petersburg State Technical University

On April 18, 2024 Oleg Kuvshinnikov visited the oldest forest university in our country! As part of a working meeting with Rector Irina Melnichuk, Ole...

Student scientific society within the framework of the work of the consortium “RITM of Carbon” on the basis of St. Petersburg State Forestry University

In March 2024, as part of the work of the “RITM of Carbon” consortium, a student scientific society (SNO) was organized at the Department ...

Training seminar on calibration and operation on a CNHS-analyzer for science of the BIN RAS in the Laboratory for the Study and Analysis of Carbon Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems

Vitaly Vertebny, educator of the Department of General Ecology, Anatomy and Physiology of Plants, within the framework of the Carbon Rhythm project, h...